
Workshift Quick Links

What is workshift?

The magical things that keep our facility clean and beautiful resides in the residents cooperating through workshift. When people do not do them, houses get dirty, and all the magic is gone. 

Workshift is a fancy way of saying chore, so when you do workshift, you're covering your own overhead that would otherwise go to someone else. For example, if you lived in a fraternity and someone you hired cleaned your living room, you would have to pay them. In a co-op, you clean your own living room, which means YOU are the one getting paid (in this case, reducing your rent). Workshift is the backbone of the co-ops, so do it right.

Tracking My Workshift

The Rochdale/Fenwick Assistant Manager updated the workshift system to a transparent personalized google sheet. The new system incorporates the Fenwick/Rochdale residents' responsibilities, hours, and more!

If you are interested to view your hours, we encourage you to visit your google drive by following these steps:

You should be able to see your personalized google sheet containing all your requirements for the contractual period.

HOW TO: Workshift Videos

Workshift General Questions

Where can I locate my workshift hours?

The Assistant Managers  have shared the personalized google sheet to the residents. They advised to check your google drive or email using your last name, first name. 

Example: "Parker, Peter" 

 There is no availability for this week for Workshift on the Workshift Sign-up link, what does this mean?

All workshift slots are full. We have a limited number of workshift slots per day. 


Since all workshift slots for this week are full, you can come by at 5:30 PM since the office staff will be able to view residents who signed up for workshift but did not show up by 5:30 pm, you would be able to get their workshift slot. CAN ONLY HAPPEN if someone signed up for workshift  did not show up at 5:30 PM.

REMINDER: if you sign-up for workshift and do not show up, you will be given a blownshift.  This is as we have a limited amount of workshift slots, and by not showing up, an opportunity to do workshift was taken from another member who needed/wanted to complete their hours.

There are no more workshift slots for this week, will I receive a blownshift for not completing the hours for the workshift deadline?

Short answer: Yes, you will receive blownshifts per hour missed.

For more information the Workshift Handbook  states the following: 

How can I complete the blownshift hours and workshift?

By signing up to available workshift spots in the following weeks. 

Participating with your respective house council's team. Reach out to your respective House President for opportunities to earn workshift credit by becoming an elected manager position. 

Can I walk-in when the office is open and ask if there are any workshift opportunities on any given day?

Since all workshift slots for this week are full, you can come by at 5:30 PM since the office staff will be able to view residents who signed up for workshift but did not show up by 5:30 pm, you would be able to get their workshift slot.

REMINDER: if you sign-up for workshift and do not show up, you will be given a blownshift.  This is as we have a limited amount of workshift slots, and by not showing up, an opportunity to do workshift was taken from another member who needed/wanted to complete their hours. 

Workshift Deadlines